- How to Avoid Common Security Pitfalls in GoGo has been one of the most popular languages for building microservices. Its simplicity and less overhead have proven to favor its rise in the community. Today, developers are using it to build web services for internet-scale. Even though it's a gre...
- How to Use SVG Icon as AvatarBadge in Chakra UII was recently building a side project and I was using Chakra UI + Next.js. I wanted to put the Google logo as a Badge in the bottom right of an Avatar Image. Something like this👇🏻. Chakra UI provides an Avatar and AvatarBadge component. You can u...
- How to Use SVG Icon as AvatarBadge in Chakra UII was recently building a side project and I was using Chakra UI + Next.js. I wanted to put the Google logo on an Avatar Image. Something like this👇🏻. Chakra UI provides a `Avatar import { Avatar, AvatarBadge, Icon } from "@chakra-ui/core"; const...
- How File-System Based Routing Works in Next.jsNext.js has file-system based routing built-in. You don't have to explicitly define the path in the router. It's as easy as adding a file inside the folder and you are done. There are multiple ways you can define a path using the file structure. Anyt...
- Linux Commands: watchwatch is used to run a command repeatedly and display its output and error at regular intervals. This is useful when you want to run a command repeatedly and observe its output getting changed over a period of time.
- Linux Commands: envenv can be used to print the environment variables or pass environment variables to a utility/command without setting them in the current shell session. Let's run env without any argument and see what happens. It simply prints all the environment v...
- How to Schedule a Blog Post on Hashnode.Everyone has been asking this for a very long time. In today's blog, I will show you how you can schedule a blog to be released on hashnode. This is not an official way. This is going to be a step by step guide. Please follow along to make sure you...
- Linux Commands: printenvprintenv is used to print out the environment variables. Environment variables are a common form of setting global values across a terminal session. Environment variables can be set by the systems, automation scripts, or by the user. You can print yo...
- Linux Commands: dudu is used to display disk usage statistics. It's a simple tool to calculate and print the disk space used by files or directories. Let's see how to use it. You can simply type du or du <directory-name> in your terminal and it will print the size. I...
- Fathom vs Plausible: Which privacy-focused Google Analytics alternative should you use?Today 84% websites use Google Analytics on their website to track user activities. The reason for its popularity is that it's free(not literally), I mean who doesn't love free stuff. But there is always a cost and that cost in the case of Google Ana...
- How to Implement HTTP Basic Auth in Go(Golang)Today the web is full of people using various platforms. Every platform has its own authentication mechanism to identify users specific to their platform. Authentication helps your application to know that the person who sent a request to your applic...
- Linux Commands: wcwc stands for word count. It is used to display the number of lines, words, characters, and byte for a file or input received via pipe(|). the output shown above is explained below. 1 - Number of lines. 2 - Number of words 14 - Number of bytes The...
- Linux Commands: pwdpwd is one of the most helpful commands for linux newbie. Whenever you are lost just type it in your terminal and you will find where are you exactly. Let me show you how you can do it. You can see it tells me my current working directory. Usually, ...
- How to change the port of a Next.js applicationI have been building my personal website using Next.js. By default, Next.js server runs on port 3000 which is good but sometimes you want to run the server on a different port maybe because you already have a service running on it, or maybe it's not ...
- Linux Commands: lsls is the Linux command to list the content of a directory. You can list all the files and folders inside a directory. Let's try it in your terminal. You can pass arguments to ls to change the output. Let's take a look at ls -al. It has more detail...
- How to implement concurrency in GoGo was designed to run on modern computers with multiple cores. Go has first-hand support for concurrency through goroutines and channels. Writing a concurrent program in Go is as simple as adding a single keyword. Let's dive straight into the implem...
- Create Golang HTTP Server in 15 LinesGolang has quickly become an industry standard for creating and maintaining high scale web services. It has an inbuilt package net/http to create an HTTP server. This package reduces the barrier of creating the server. This post will help get your fi...