▼ Umesh Yadav
2 min read
How to Use SVG Icon as AvatarBadge in Chakra UI

I was recently building a side project and I was using Chakra UI + Next.js. I wanted to put the Google logo as a Badge in the bottom right of an Avatar Image. Something like this👇🏻.

Screenshot 2020-11-07 at 10.47.55 PM.png

Chakra UI provides an Avatar and AvatarBadge component. You can use these two to create an avatar image with a badge(bottom right). Here is an example from Chakra UI docs.

Screenshot 2020-11-07 at 11.02.54 PM.png

Now suppose instead of the dot you want to insert an SVG icon. Here is how you can do it.

import { Avatar, AvatarBadge, Icon } from "@chakra-ui/core";

const GoogleIcon = (props) => (
  <svg viewBox="0 0 533.5 544.3" {...props}>
      d="M533.5 278.4c0-18.5-1.5-37.1-4.7-55.3H272.1v104.8h147c-6.1 33.8-25.7 63.7-54.4 82.7v68h87.7c51.5-47.4 81.1-117.4 81.1-200.2z"
      d="M272.1 544.3c73.4 0 135.3-24.1 180.4-65.7l-87.7-68c-24.4 16.6-55.9 26-92.6 26-71 0-131.2-47.9-152.8-112.3H28.9v70.1c46.2 91.9 140.3 149.9 243.2 149.9z"
      d="M119.3 324.3c-11.4-33.8-11.4-70.4 0-104.2V150H28.9c-38.6 76.9-38.6 167.5 0 244.4l90.4-70.1z"
      d="M272.1 107.7c38.8-.6 76.3 14 104.4 40.8l77.7-77.7C405 24.6 339.7-.8 272.1 0 169.2 0 75.1 58 28.9 150l90.4 70.1c21.5-64.5 81.8-112.4 152.8-112.4z"

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <AvatarBadge boxSize="1.25em" borderColor="transparent" bg="white">
        <Icon as={GoogleIcon} w="5" h="5" />

Screenshot 2020-11-07 at 10.47.55 PM.png

In the above example, There is GoogleIcon SVG. Then I am creating an Icon component using GoogleIcon SVG. Then we pass this Icon component as children to AvatarBadge.

Similarly, if you want to create a Badge with an image. You can just replace the Icon component with Image and it will render the image as a badge.

import { Avatar, AvatarBadge, Image } from "@chakra-ui/core";

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <AvatarBadge boxSize="1.25em" borderColor="transparent">
        <Image src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui/develop/logo/logomark-colored%402x.png" />

Screenshot 2020-11-07 at 11.16.58 PM.png


Chakra UI is an awesome library that provides modular components. You can use this library as a building block for creating custom components. It was very simple to build custom components.

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